Bird's eye view helps piggery planning

Suffolk-based company Quality Equipment is using aerial technology to help it carry out site surveys. A drone takes still images and videos of plots for pig new housing and other farm building projects.

The bird’s eye views will help the company identify the best layout, access points, and any potential problems on sites for new houses or extensions, before submitting plans to the authorities in the normal way.

Pictures or videos from the remotely-controlled drone will also give farmers a genuine overview of how their projects are progressing, especially useful for companies whose headquarters may be some distance from the farms where the buildings are being constructed.

“The drone will help carry out clear site surveys and help identify potential risks or hazards for our site workers”

Drone footage from our real-world projects

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New Weaner House – Pig World

An hour a day – that’s all it takes for the day to day management of a new, state-of-the-art weaner house put up by a Suffolk farmer. The big investment has transformed the growth rate of his piglets, reduced mortality and made the difference between staying in pigs and getting out altogether.
He runs 250-260 sows on his 134ha farm producing porkers and cutters, finishing them at 60-75kg deadweight in straw yards, making use of home-grown grain and straw.

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BQP Style Finisher Buildings – Pig World

I suppose the pig industry is different from any other agricultural sector in as much as there must have been more entrants to farming starting with a few pigs than anything else. That situation is still true today, and there’s no doubt that bed and breakfast pigs on a secure contract is the growth area in 039pig production.

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50 Years of Innovation – Pig World

Quality Equipment is celebrating its half-century this year. It was in 1965 that its founder, Glyn Baker, decided to set up as an agricultural engineer, initially repairing machinery and tractors, then specialising in pig equipment, establishing what was to become one of Britain’s best known and largest companies in this field.

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