Our Construction Services


Drainage Systems


Steel/Timber Frame Buildings

Internal fitting out

Electrical Installation

CAD Design

As well as offering complete construction package deals with well-proven pig building designs we can also purpose build according to individual pig farmer’s requirements.

We can assist in the design & planning permission stages of your project, with our skilled in-house designers and our extensive knowledge of large-scale projects and pig farming systems.

Pig Buildings

Our construction division takes the hassle out of new pig building projects – whether standard designs or tailor-made to individual requirements. At QE we offer a comprehensive service from the initial design to the completed construction. In addition, we will also supply the most suitable fittings and fixtures to ensure the building’s long, productive life. We can offer all types of pig buildings, whether slatted or straw based, for all stages of pig production.

Dry Sow / Boar Accommodation

Since the abolition of sow stalls in the UK over a decade ago, Quality Equipment has had considerable experience in the design and construction of practical loose housing systems and service areas.

completed farrowing house pig shed

Farrowing Accommodation

Quality Equipment can offer a variety of options for the farrowing house according to the system favoured by the pig farmer, ranging from traditional, raised, balance floor to freedom farrowing.

Weaner, Grower and Finisher

At QE we take into account factors such as the availability of the farm’s own straw and whether wet or dry feeding systems will influence the choice of design.


Did you know that Quality Equipment was founded over 60 years ago, where we began by fabricating our own unique pig handling equipment?

We are pleased to say that 60 years on we are still able to offer our own bespoke equipment such as hoppers, feeding and drinking systems, as well as, pen divisions, gates, posts and other ancillary equipment.

Discover the benefits of Paneltim® and how we fabricate in our plastic workshop


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