Bird's eye view helps piggery planning

Suffolk-based company Quality Equipment is using aerial technology to help it carry out site surveys. A drone takes still images and videos of plots for pig new housing and other farm building projects.

The bird’s eye views will help the company identify the best layout, access points, and any potential problems on sites for new houses or extensions, before submitting plans to the authorities in the normal way.

Pictures or videos from the remotely-controlled drone will also give farmers a genuine overview of how their projects are progressing, especially useful for companies whose headquarters may be some distance from the farms where the buildings are being constructed.

“The drone will help carry out clear site surveys and help identify potential risks or hazards for our site workers”

Drone footage from our real-world projects

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Store expansion meets growth in plastic panel sales

Due to increased demand for Paneltim by pig farmers, Quality Equipment has extended its storage area by 220m² (2368 sq ft) at its Woolpit, Suffolk, base.

This will enable the company to stock an extra 5,000m² (53,819 sq ft) of the plastic panel, widely used in piggeries, particularly for pen division and gates. It offers substantial benefits in terms of strength and hygiene over many traditional materials.

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Birds eye view helps piggery planning

Suffolk-based company Quality Equipment is using aerial technology to help it carry out site surveys. A drone takes still images and videos of plots for pig new housing and other farm building projects.

The bird’s eye views will help the company identify the best layout, access points, and any potential problems on sites for new houses or extensions, before submitting plans to the authorities in the normal way.

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Paneltim Sparks Electrical Idea

A new use has been found for Paneltim the plastic panel normally used for pig-pen divisions, according to Suffolk-based Quality Equipment. A local engineering company has successfully employed the material to protect external electrical cables from the weather.

For various reasons the wiring could not be incorporated within the building but the Paneltim – which is strong, lightweight, and weather-proof proved to provide an ideal solution. Using their special Paneltim welding equipment, QE made up a seamless 1200mm x 1500mm x 400mm deep box-like enclosure that fitted neatly on the side of the building.

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